Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD

Admin & Business Support Vacancies

Virtual School Governing Body vacancy

We are seeking a primary rep for our Virtual School Governing Body.  If anyone would like to do this as a Corporate Parent, 3 times a year, face to face at New County Hall, please contact Emma Phillips at emma.phillips@cornwall.gov.uk 
Boskenwyn and Germoe federation

Boskenwyn and Germoe federation are advertising for a clerk.  The meetings are half termly and can be done remotely or in person.  For further information please contact the secretary, Anita at secretary.germoe@fbgschools.co.uk

Camborne Nursery School
Camborne Nursery School is looking to recruit some new school governors, including a new chair of governors.  If you know anyone who would be interested in this role please call Emma on 01209 713607 or you can email: head@camborne-nursery.cornwall.sch.uk 
Penpol School

Penpol school in Hayle are looking for a new Clerk to Governors.  If you are interested or can recommend someone who might be, please get in touch with Chris on  head@penpol.cornwall.sch.uk