Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD


Formed in 2021, the CAPH SEND group will meet three times each academic year to share best practice, update on latest news, and receive feedback from other stakeholders. The members of the group are listed below. If you would like a matter raising at this meeting or would like to attend, please contact Jonathan Peck: jono@caph.org.uk

Future meeting dates are listed here.

  • 7th February 2024

  • 12th June 2024

Meetings are held at the Venton Conference centre
To access the CAPH SEND Group Agenda's and Minutes, please follow this link
Alternative Provision
KCSiE 2023 states:
327. Where a school places a pupil with an alternative provision provider, the school continues to be responsible for the safeguarding of that pupil and should be satisfied that the provider meets the needs of the pupil.
328. Schools should obtain written confirmation from the alternative provision provider that appropriate safeguarding checks have been carried out on individuals working at the establishment, i.e. those checks that the school would otherwise perform in respect of its own staff

Alternative provision can follow 3 forms

  • Education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education
  •  Education arranged directly by schools for pupils on a suspension
  •  Pupils being directed by schools to off-site provisions to improve behaviour

It is important to note that safeguarding students when using alternative provision is crucial. Schools must ensure that parent and carers are given clear information about the placement, keep placement under review and ensure that the governing body follows statutory guidance for maintained schools.


This map below is a compilation of some providers in Cornwall. They are for you to scrutinise and to follow due diligence if investigating their suitability as an alternative provision. They are not recommended, merely a list of providers.
A suggested check list of minimum requirements is provided below as a starting point, but by no means is exhaustive. Each individual school must asses the suitability of each alternative provider against their individual requirement.