Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD

CAPH at Eden - Friday 25th October 2024

Embrace, Engage, Empower, Expect
We are delighted to be returning to Eden for our annual Whole School Conference.
We have some fantastic Keynote Speakers and Workshops lined up for you. 
Here is a flavour of the day:
If you are a company and would like exhibition space for this event, copy this link  https://conferencessouthwest.co.uk/event/devon-school-business-managers-association-inc-exeter-consortium-business-managers-admin-forum-copy-copy-copy/  into your browser for more information.
Keynote Speakers
Paul is an award-winning Behaviour Specialist, Writer, Speaker, Advisor and Education Reformer. He has developed a strong reputation for delivering exceptional training with remarkable outcomes. His imprint is on thousands of schools in their behaviour policy and practice. 

As a teacher, leader and teacher trainer, Paul has been working with the most difficult behaviours in the most challenging contexts for the last 27 years.
Miraculously Paul studied at Homerton College Cambridge after countless attempts to sabotage his own education. He is a speaker in high demand, engaging huge audiences in practical ways to transform their classrooms, relationships and schools. Paul also works with Leadership Teams to create seismic shifts in culture and behaviour.

Paul fell in love with teaching while working as a Teaching Assistant after leaving school. Teaching both inspired and drew him in due to the creativity, the variety and the cohort after cohort of utterly brilliant children he encountered.

Paul has delivered training and spoken on large stages all over the world, advised the English Department for Education on Teacher Standards, given evidence to the Education Select Committee and carried out extensive work with the Ministry of Justice on Behaviour and Restraint in Youth Custody.

Keynote: Relational Practice and How to do it!
An outstanding school is one that achieves with all children. Inclusion is not optional. It is what makes schools incredible. Relational practice drives exceptional cultures in which children thrive and adults love their work. There are clear boundaries, excellent systems and genuine mutual respect. 
The book, When The Adults Change, has been part of the behaviour conversation in thousands of schools worldwide. We have worked with educational psychologists, leaders and change-makers to develop processes that go beyond the standard model of training. 

Wherever you are and whatever strategies you are using to support behaviour, we will walk with you and support you until your setting is one that is nurturing, supportive and conducive to positive outcomes for all.
Workshop: Preventative Culture and Response (see below)
Martin Morgan - Empower Education

Martin Morgan is a former Headteacher and a highly sought-after Leadership Expert. He is regarded as a ‘Black Belt’ of Teaching and Training and manages to bridge the gap between Research and Practice. Working in the UK, predominantly Wales, to develop systems and processes that align the quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment with pupil outcomes, Martin has helped improve over 200 schools. He has also worked internationally with schools in Brazil, Denmark, Norway, Australia, and many more to develop models of learning and progression, improve outcomes for learners and add value to leadership teams. Has been a keynote speaker and host at the World Education Summit since its inauguration.


Keynote - My Brain is Hurting! Causes of Cognitive Overload

What are the main causes of cognitive overload for students in lessons?

How do these impact on memory and retrieval?

How can we identify when this is happening?

In this session we'll look at the main causes and identify ways to prevent cognitive overload for your students.


Workshop: Creativity in the Classroom (see below)
Floyd Steadman OBE

Floyd shares an incredible life story. He will talk about the challenges he faced growing up, whilst playing elite rugby and in teaching - all because of the colour of his skin.

He delves into unconscious bias, the strength of the human spirit, grace in adversity, the protected characteristics and hope for a brighter future for all.


Keynote: From Rejection to an OBE and Beyond



Paul Dix - Taking Relational Practice Beyond the School Gates
In this workshop, Paul Dix will help us think about how we can improve outcomes for children and young people by understanding our families, engaging them in our school communities and supporting them to take relational practice beyond the school gates. You will leave the session with practical tips for developing rapport with your hardest to reach families and ideas and tips you'll need for working with them as they upgrade the culture in their homes.
Martin Morgan - Creativity in the Classroom.
"Being creative is at the heart of being human and of all cultural progress." ~ Ken Robinson
"If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance." ~ Ken Robinson
"Teaching for creativity involves teaching creatively. There are three related tasks in teaching for creativity: encouraging, identifying and fostering." ~ Ken Robinson

This session looks at how we can create opportunities for curiosity and creativity in the classroom. Inspired by the late Ken Robinson, I built this session around the three quotes above, which also become our session aims:

  • How do we enable learners to be creative in a system that rewards conformity?
  • How can we plan our teaching and learning so that curiosity and creativity are high on the agenda?

Finally, to achieve the above we need to establish a climate that encourages risk taking, making mistakes, and increases independence.

CODE Maths Hub -  High Expectations for All Learners
In this session, we will consider how using the 5 'Big Ideas' of Teaching for Mastery can be used to design lessons that challenge all learners whilst keeping the class together. We will think about how we can provide regular opportunities for children to reason and make connections in order to support the development of a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. 
Dr Sarah Moseley - Ensuring meaningful, positive outcomes for all learners Including learners with SEND in the classroom

We will explore how we can create meaningful inclusive practices across all classrooms to ensure the best outcomes for our neurodivergent learners and those with SEND.  We will focus on developing our ordinarily available provision based on the principles of universal design for learning. This will explore how to ensure a true adaptive teaching approach using innovative ideas/approaches. 

Dr Sarah Moseley  - Bridging Phonics to Fluency: Empowering Emerging Readers

This workshop offers strategies for teaching phonics and decoding skills to neurodivergent learners with barriers to literacy, including those with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia, complex needs and other language-based learning differences. It will support identifying next steps in provision and planning for all approaches and scheme.

Helen Gaskin - Mindfit Cornwall: Wellbeing for All 
Helen will guide you through a range of strategies and techniques to calm your nervous system, self-regulate and bring awareness to your whole wellbeing to use in your personal, school life and your classrooms. Everyone has the ability to learn techniques to improve their wellbeing. You will learn how to use your breath well to support your nervous system, relieve anxiety and stress. The session will guide you through the importance of good emotional health that provides you with the ability to calm down and understand your feelings, thoughts and behaviours. 
Jacob Woolcock and Giles Hill - Beyond The Hype: Practical Uses For AI In School
In this workshop Jacob and Giles will examine the use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance teaching and learning while alleviating teacher workload in our schools. The session will be rich with practical classroom examples and actionable ideas, ensuring delegates gain confidence in the safe and effective integration of Artificial Intelligence to complement their existing educational practices.
Special Partnership Trust - SEND - Past, Present and Future
Join the Special Partnership Trust to look at the Special Education Needs climate in the UK, where we have come from, where we are today and what the future might hold. Deepen your understanding from experienced leaders and hear about innovative ideas for how the future of SEN could be radically changed to improve outcomes for all.  
  • What does a truly inclusive curriculum need to look like and how could this prepare young people for the future? 
SEN Services SW - Strategies for Supporting all Learners in the Classroom
A session with practical advice for supporting and managing a range of needs in the classroom including:
  • Effective and consistent use of visual support tools
  • Meeting working memory and processing needs
  • Understanding the impact of speech and language needs on learning
  • Enabling learners with anxiety to be ready to learn
Eden Project Schools Team: Create space for nature, and for nature-connected learning.
Wildflowers are a great way to bring colour and interest to your school grounds, and taking education outside is good for your learners, and for the planet. We will share our resources to create and make the most of these special habitats using science, creativity and celebration.