Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD

Training with Faye Heming - Successful School Improvement - Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th September

Successful School Improvement

This 2-day course is aimed at headteachers, including those new to the role, as well as heads of school, deputy and assistant heads.

Please book here

Day 1 - Focus on effective evidence gathering and the SEF

 Morning              The school improvement process

We shall begin this course by focusing upon the cycle of school improvement at a whole school level. We will consider how the school culture can impact upon organisational change, and how to overcome barriers. Freely available tools to support school improvement will be shared.

 Gathering the evidence

When gathering evidence, we need to view school improvement at a granular level. Using an objective from your current school improvement plan, you will be guided through a process of evidence gathering, where practical strategies will be shared, including a work scrutiny using curriculum plans and pupils’ books from your school (history or geography).

 Afternoon            Pulling it all together

Once we have gathered our evidence, we need to record this information concisely. This session will focus upon the key components of the school self-evaluation form (SEF).

 Reflection time and next steps

Towards end the day, time will be set aside for you to reflect upon the training
and note your next steps. There will also be opportunities to ask questions.

 Please bring:                                                                                                                  

A copy of your current school self-evaluation form (if you have one).

  • Your existing school improvement/development plan (if available).
  • Long term plans and progression documents for history/geography, including a medium-term plan (history or geography) for the autumn term for one year group and 4 pupils’ books from that same year group (for a guided work scrutiny).
  • A laptop/device to work on during the day.

 Successful School Improvement

Day 2 - Focus on school improvement planning                 

The school improvement/development plan is a great influencer in driving improvement. During the day we shall explore every aspect of school improvement planning from setting longer-term strategic priorities through to devising small step activities to ensure the plan in enacted.

 This day will include:

  • Understanding the cyclical process of school improvement and how this links to longer-term strategic priorities.
  • Appreciating the link between effective improvement planning, accurate self-evaluation, and appraisal.
  • Considering how your school improvement plan links to key priorities identified in the SEF, internal and external data, including the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR), and evidence gleaned from monitoring activities.
  • Devising measurable actions based on overarching aims for improvement.
  • Ensuring your improvement plan impacts positively on outcomes for pupils.


During the afternoon there will be opportunities for senior leaders to review their existing school improvement plans and self-evaluation documents, supported by the course facilitators.

Please bring:                                                                                                                 

  • A copy of your current school self-evaluation form (if you have one)
  • Your existing school improvement/development plan (if available).
  • A copy of your school’s Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). This is available through you school’s DfE Sign-In account.
  • A laptop/device to work on during the day.

  Please Book Here