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Jigsaw PSHE

Jigsaw PSHE, the mindful approach to PSHE is an established and comprehensive teaching programme, which includes 36 weekly less plans. Jigsaw provides children with their PSHE entitlement, that equips them for their time in school and their wider life after school. Jigsaw PSHE also meets the statutory Relationships and Health Education outcomes (with built-in progression and assessment); offers age-appropriate Sex Education; covers all the expectations of the PSHE Association Programme of Study; and provides all the teaching resources needed as well as free updates and ongoing support for teachers. 


About Jigsaw PSHE

Jigsaw PSHE is a comprehensive teaching programme keeping children at its heart and providing everything teachers need to deliver high quality PSHE, including meeting all the requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education, and Sex Education.

The 6 Puzzles (units), sequenced from the beginning to the end of the school year, each comprise a Puzzle Launch assembly for the whole school, 6 lesson plans with all the resources needed, original Jigsaw songs, an assessment and reward system.

Every year group studies the same learning theme at the same time but at its own, age-appropriate level. The Jigsaw Friends support children as talking objects and distancing tools.

The strong focus on emotional literacy and mental health is underpinned by mindfulness, each lesson including a Calm Me time, aided by the Jigsaw Chime and Jigsaw Jerrie Cat.

More than 9500 schools across the UK and internationally are now using Jigsaw as their preferred PSHE Programme, reaching over 3.5 million children. This allows us to offer schools exciting global learning opportunities.

Ongoing support and free updates are integral to Jigsaw’s philosophy.

Jigsaw in the Community

What is Jigsaw Families?

Jigsaw Families is a supportive, non-judgemental and universal programme open to all families. It is inclusive and accessible, enabling all parents, regardless of background or literacy level, to take part and benefit. It is a stand-alone resource therefore it is open to all schools.

The programme aims to develop richer, attachment relationships between parents and their children enabling positive behaviour management and communication, as well as developing closer engagement with the setting. This usually results in more participation in children’s education.

Supporting families in an informal, friendly, and safe environment to explore the challenges of being a parent is at the heart of the programme. Practical strategies are offered to help meet their family’s needs and give them the opportunity to reflect. It also holds the potential for families to support each other through the relationships they build during the programme. For children, it supports them to manage their emotions, feel loved and secure and therefore be better equipped to access learning.


To learn more about the Programme, either click on the link below or contact the Jigsaw Families mentor: becky.peckham@jigsaweducationgroup.com 

To run the Jigsaw Families Programme, you will need:

  •          3 facilitators trained ( 2 are needed to run the Programme and the 3rd is in case of one of the facilitators being absent). Facilitators do not need to be trained teachers although they are welcome to do so if they wish. Facilitators can be TAs; Governors, ELSAs; parents (preferably after they have attended one of the Programmes run); pastoral support workers, family liaison workers etc.
  •          2 rooms as in the middle section of a session, children go with one facilitator and adults stay with the other facilitator
  •          Refreshments for both adults and their child
  •          To attend 2 training sessions – one which goes through the rationale behind the Programme and the preparation needed before running it and the second looks at how to run a session. Each session will last for one hour. These training sessions will be in November to give plenty of time to be ready to run the Programme in the Spring.

If you have any questions, please contact becky.peckham@jigsaweducationgroup.com