Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD

CAPH Safeguarding Policy 2023 (and link to radicalisation and Extremism)

Please find here the revised CAPH Safeguarding and CP policy that has been updated in line with  KCSIE 2023.

All new additions are highlighted in red. As there was no consultation on the proposed revisions it was generally thought that there would not be an update to KCSIE until the revised Working Together guidance was published. This is anticipated later in the year. We fully expect there to be further changes required as a result when this document is published.

In conjunction with the LA we will closely monitor any changes that are specifically relevant to education and adjust the policy accordingly. We will advise of any proposed changes through the CAPH newsletter, CAPH Safeguarding Group, DSL Training events and the DSL network before sending a revised policy to all CAPH schools.

Please ensure that other relevant polices are amended in line with this policy particularly in relation to the new Filtering and Monitoring Standards , notably your online safety policy, Staff Code of Conduct/acceptable user policy and your visitor’s policy.

The Ofsted inspection process will evaluate the school’s approach to keeping pupils safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism. It is therefore crucial that all schools understand the legal requirements under this legislation.

In order to support schools with regard to the new duty, local workshop sessions are being delivered into cluster areas by Cornwall Council Prevent Lead Officer Steve Rowell. The sessions include Home Office approved training (WRAP) and additional advice with regard to the new duty.

Additional training is being offered to all statutory front line staff particularly those who work with or come into contact with vulnerable people and Voluntary and Community sectors who work with or come into contact with vulnerable people.

Further information can be found here

For additional information or to discuss any concerns regarding terrorism and radicalisation in Cornwall contact:

Steve Rowell MICJP

Preventing Extremism/Terrorism Lead Cornwall & Serious Organised crime Operational Lead Cornwall

Cornwall Fire Rescue & Community Safety Service
Penzance One Stop Shop
St Johns Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance, Cornwall. TR18 2QR

Phone: (01736) 336587

E-mail : steve.rowell@cornwall.gov.uk  or Prevent@Cornwall.gov.uk

Secure E-mail : Steve.Rowell@cornwall.gcsx.gov.uk