Diary Date - We're back at Eden for 25th October - CAPH Conference. Bring your whole school for a day of inspiring speakers and CPD

Education Library Service SLA

The Education Library Service SLA is a fantastic tool for primary schools to use to support their Curriculum. The service is run by educationalists, for educationalists, and has shifted its focus to ensuring high-quality customer experience by continuing to supply high-quality resources and expertise, but with a flexibility that allows member schools to tailor their membership to meet the needs of their own setting. The service is self-funded and any money generated is reinvested back into improving the offer for the member schools.

This year we have improved our offer to include the ability to: borrow whole class sets of books; order specific reading spines, genres or authors; use your in-school support to focus on areas of need within your school, whether it be in-class book areas, library areas, or training pupil librarians; have access to up-to-date newsletters, reading lists and author events; and have more control over the books you exchange from your allowance. 

We welcome any enquiries from potential new users, and also from existing members schools who are seeking support to maximise their member benefits.

It is an exciting time to be working with the service and we look forward to hearing from you.

els@cornwall.gov.uk  or 01872 324303