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Green Book and Further Education Pay Awards Update 2023

Green Book pay award for 2023/24 including model pay policy and salaries document

Monday, 20/11/2023 | Cornwall HR - HR Employment Advice, Guidance and Support

The 2023/24 Green Book nationally negotiated pay award will result in consolidated salary increases for employees on Green Book pay arrangements, with effect from 1 April 2023, backdated.

Employees on the Council’s main pay structure will receive:

  • An increase of £1,155* for employees on Grade 1 point 1 – so that together with their Real Living Wage increase in April, they receive £1,925
  • An increase of £1,925* for employees on Grade 1 point 2 up to and including Grade 5 point 5
  • An increase of 3.88% for employees on Grade 5 point 6 and all points in grades 6, 7 and 8

*These are annual gross figures and will be pro-rated for part time employees.

If this applies to you, you will receive your revised salary in November along with the back pay owing to you from 1 April 2023.

As in previous years, this pay increase does not apply to:

  • Employees on Apprentice pay scales
  • Employees who remain on TUPE preserved contracts
  • Other workforce groups such as teachers, Soulbury, firefighters and Agenda for Change

Payment of back-pay

Taking account of national and local advice, the Council will not be offering employees on Universal Credit back pay in instalments.

Universal Credit is a very specific issue that applies in different ways to different people. Any employees affected by this issue should speak to their Universal Credit Work Coach via their online account or call the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Real Living Wage

In April 2023, the Council increased the minimum pay for relevant staff to £21,028 full-time equivalent. As this was completed prior to the 2023/24 Pay award being applied, some staff received an increase in their substantive salary to ensure compliance with our commitment to pay the Real Living Wage (RLW). Any staff on grade 1 point 1 who have already received the RLW increase in April 2023 are now receiving a ‘top up’ to their salary to ensure they receive a total increase of £1,925. For example, if you were previously on a salary of £20,258 before the Foundation Living Wage increase was applied in April 2023, your new salary following the national negotiated pay award will be £22,183 backdated to 1 April 2023.

nb. In the Autumn Statement 23 released yesterday, the National Living Wage will rise from £10.42 to £11.44 an hour from April.

Pay protection

Employees on pay protection will not receive the pay increase if their level of pay protection is equal to or greater than the value of the pay award, although their level of pay protection will decrease as a consequence of the relevant grade maximum salary increasing. For those where the level of pay protection is less than the value of the pay award, pay protection will cease and the employee will receive part of the increase. For example, if the employee’s pay protection is £1000 per annum and they are on grade 3 they will receive a £925 increase during 23/24.

This information is found on the pay details of your payslip.

Updated pay scales

The updated Green Book pay table can be found on the Pay Policy.


First Aid and Fire Warden allowances increase to £275.37 per annum, pro-rated for part-time.

You will find the Pay Policy and Salaries table below.