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Right On Survey 2023 - Results

Right On Survey 2023 - Results

In Spring 2023 more than 8,200 children and young people in Year 4 and above from 72 schools and colleges across Cornwall took part in Cornwall Council’s Right On Survey. The survey invited children and young people to let us know their thoughts on a wide range of issues that impact their lives.

The results of the survey are now available to all settings as a series of reports. The Cornwall Summary Report provides an overview of the results, and 8 themed reports look at specific topics in more detail. The reports are available here on the Services for Schools platform. Alternatively, go to the home page and search for ‘Right On Survey’. Please note you need to be logged in to the platform to access the page. If you do not have access to the platform you can request an account to be set up here.

Please note these reports are classified as ‘Controlled’. This means they are for use by Cornwall Council and partners (including education settings) and are not for public circulation.

We couldn’t have gained this valuable information without the support of the settings who gave their pupils the opportunity to take part. We would like to say a big thank you to all the schools and colleges that supported their pupils in participating.

Finally, we plan to repeat the survey in 2025 or 2026. If you would like to be involved or have any questions, please contact childrensrights@cornwall.gov.uk.

The Children’s Rights Team, Cornwall Council